Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Surface Friendships

C.S. Lewis defines friendship in a unique way, which I feel is a way only depicting part of what true friendship really means. He believes that friendship is only developed when two people have a common interest; therefore, creating a bond tighter than that of affection. I have always thought that a part of friendship could be that two people have something in common, but I would have never defined friendship by this definition. As I have thought about Lewis’ definition of friendship, I have begun to observe my own relationships in my life and have tried to depict why it is that we are friends. After seeking to understand why I am friends with the people I am friends with, I have found that the development of our friendship has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that we have similar interests. Yes, we do like similar things, but that is not why we are friends. We are friends because of divine circumstances of rooming situations, similar personalities, and great/awful experiences together. My best friends and I have spent time getting to know each other, and our personalities mesh well together; therefore, we became more than acquaintances. After spending much time together talking with each other and getting to know each other on a deeper level, we have developed a friendship that I know will be long-lasting. If our relationship were defined by Lewis’s definition, I would have to say that our common interest that has created the depth of our friendship is our love for Jesus Christ. I can say that if Lewis were on this track, which I don’t believe he is, that he would be absolutely correct. I believe that the reason my friendship have developed such a deep bond is because of our passion for Jesus Christ and the desire we have to live a life that’s good and pleasing to Him. After this connection comes getting to know each other as people as another top reason for the depth of our relationship. Along with loving Christ and getting to know each other, we have good and bad experiences that we have been through together. I think God uses the fellowship of people to create depth in a relationship. So looking at all the different aspects of my friendships and why I have people as friends, I have come to conclude that Lewis has a fraction of friendship correct.

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