Thursday, November 4, 2010

A true friend?

I struggle so much with C.S. Lewis's perception of friendship love. His description of friendship to me is what I would simply consider an acquaintance not so much a deep friendship. I mean, to him a friend is someone who shares a common interest and that is the only thing that matters. They partake in the activity and do not desire to get to know the other person or what is going on in their personal life. That, to Lewis, would be overstepping the line with friendship.

What is friendship to me? Friendship is someone who cares about you. Someone who will listen to your worries, your fears, your struggles. Someone who will help you with those struggles. Someone who will also do those common things with you but also ask how your family is doing, how school is going and simply how life is going. To me this is what the community that Christ has called us to live in. How can you have community without friendship?

Maybe I am just getting Lewis's different kinds of love screwed up. Maybe the type of love I am thinking about is actually what he categorizes as something else. Lewis why do you have to be so confusing sometimes?

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