Friday, September 3, 2010

Just Not So Sure

Im having a real trouble with my view of the Chronicles of Narnia. My mom read these books to me when I was a kid and I really liked them, but have not read them until this class. Since then I've read a few of C.S. Lewis' books, and I find the Chronicles dissatisfying. The connections that he draws just seem so...I don't know its like Lewis is trying to hard to parallel the gospel, just using fauns and horsemen. Maybe I just need to read it as a children's book, but am I supposed to separate the dogma that is found within from the story? It also feels to complicated for me if it is supposed to be a children's book. I am having trouble understanding all the implications of Lewis' story, I already get something that can be hard to understand when I read the Bible. Or maybe Im just trying to switch the Chronicles with the Bible like Indiana Jones, trying to make it perfect in the same shape, weight, and size before making the shift. Either way it just does not satisfy like the book did in my childhood.

1 comment:

  1. Part of childhood is this incredible capacity to be drawn into a story. Maybe part of that is because a child isn't analyzing the story in the way we are, or because children aren't distracted and preoccupied in the way adults are. But there are stories I loved when I was young -- Narnia, LOTR, Star Wars, and others -- in a way I haven't loved anything since, though I've loved and enjoyed lots of books and films. Is that your experience? Of course you're not as old or jaded as I am....
