Sunday, October 31, 2010


According to Lewis, friendship is the “least inquisitive of the loves.” Friendship doesn’t focus on each other, but rather on the common interest that unites them. Lewis does acknowledge the fact that the loves overlap, but if a friendship is based on learning and caring about the other person, is it more than “Friendship” (according to Lewis)?

In my personal experience, my greatest friendship focuses mainly on the other person. My best friend Rachel and I have been friends for 13 years. We have had many shared experiences, which could be a part of why we are such good friends, but I feel that our friendship is mostly based on our knowledge and love for each other. For example, I have another friendship based solely on common interest, not on ‘getting to know the other person.’ I feel that my friendship with Rachel is a deeper, more meaningful relationship than mine with Kristina, because I know Rachel inside and out, and vice versa. Does that make my friendship with Rachel more than just friendship, according to Lewis?

I guess in this respect I would go further than Lewis does. I believe that his definition friendship has two levels: that based on common interest and that based on loving and caring for the other person. The second level is different than his definition of eros, but more than his definition of friendship.

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