Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Jack and Joy

While watching the movie so closely related to A Grief Observed some interesting thoughts popped into my mind. Firstly, I was curious as to if the movie accurately portrayed Lewis' personality. In the film he came across as quite confident and bold. In The Problem of Pain I took Lewis' writings as a confident and bold personality however not nearly as confident and as bold as I thought he came across in the film. I considered him confident and bold while reading The Problem of Pain I viewed him as confident and bold by his strong assertions;however, I didn't view him as quite as bold as he came across in the film because in the book I remember specific instances in which he noted that he was merely stating his opinion and that his opinion could be wrong which led me to believe he was not an audaciously bold person. In the film he came across as audaciously bold in his conversations and especially in his decision to merely have a "legal" marriage to Joy rather than swallowing his pride and marrying her before the church. Lewis' interesting path to marriage leads me to my second thought, maybe, even such a distinguished scholar and thinker such as Lewis, had more sanctification to go through himself than lay persons such as myself may have thought. Myself, and I am sure others, put Lewis on a pedestal as something between being holy somewhere between a distinguished Christian and an angel. I wonder why Lewis did not marry Joy before a church first off. For Lewis to understand how much he loved Joy and how important it was to him and her to marry her was Joy's cancer diagnosis, and Jack's glimpse of losing Joy. Lewis' needing to come so close to losing Joy to decide to marry her made me think he was quite audaciously bold in his convictions. Lewis most likely had strong reasons for not marrying Joy first off, and they could be more noble than my belief that he should have married her initially;however, from what little information I have about Lewis' life, I believe he should have married Joy sooner.

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