Wednesday, October 20, 2010

God Create Sin?

While playing 20 questions I was asked, “If you could ask God any one question, what question would it be?” Well, after spending hours in philosophy class, I realized I had many, many questions; therefore, I needed quite a bit of time to think about which one of the many questions I would ask. I answered with, “Why did You (God) create Satan? Why didn’t You stop him from falling from heaven?” We talk about the problem of pain and one of the main solutions we have is that sin entered the world. But the real question I ponder is why did God allow Satan to fall from heaven so that he could become the purest of any evil we know so that he could tempt us so that we could eventually choose Satan over God? God created the heavens and the earth, and He created all creatures within so why the heck did he create such a horrible creature to take all the rest of God’s creation from Him. I believe that God is all-knowing, and He is all-powerful, but I just feel as though we were doomed from the beginning because God created Satan. I look at the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis, and I feel as though the fall wasn’t even their fault because God created Satan to bring sin into the world. When thinking about God creating Satan, I start to wonder if God created Satan, then He created sin, too. The whole thought of Satan and sin being a creation of God is just a crazy idea that I have never really pondered deeply before and have always ignored the subject when it comes to mind. But after spending time deliberating, I don’t feel I have come any further in answering the question. I just don’t understand this aspect of God, and I don’t know that I ever will. Our God is amazing, and I love that He is so complex that I can ask tons of questions, yet never know the answers. I am truly thankful that I have a God who is so much bigger than me! So I guess my only answer to this question is that no answer helps me to be more in awe of who God is!

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